1. A is for age:NEARLY 29
2. B is for beer of choice:NONE
3. C is for career right now:EDP OFFICER
4. D is for your dog's name?NONE
5. E is for essential item you use everydayMONEY
6. F is for favorite TV show at the moment:CSI
7. G is for favorite game:COMAND & CONQUER
8. H is for Home town:ALOR SETAR
9. I is for instruments you play:KEYBOARD
10. J is for favorite juice:LIMO ES
11. K is for whose butt you'd like to kick:BOTAK
12. L is for last place you ate:AT HOME
13. M is for marriage:NOT YET14.
N is for your full name:RIZAL BIN ZAIDI (sekali ngan nama bapak tu)
15. O is for overnight hospital stays:NOT YET
16. P is for people you were with today:MY 2 YOUNGEST BROTHER
18. R is for Biggest Regret:TAKE FOR GRANTED OF MY EX GF
17. S is for status:SINGLE
20. T is for time you woke up today:4.30AM
21. U is for underwear you have on now:NONE hehehe
22.V is for vegetable you love:CAROT
23. W is for worst habit:LOOK AT BEAUTIFULL GIRLS
24. X is for x-rays you've had:MEDICAL CHECK UP
25. Y is for yummy food you ate today:ROTI CANAI
26. Z is for zodiac sign:LIBRA
Friday, March 30, 2007
Created by RIZAL@BUYONG.INC at 4:30 AM 0 said something
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Assalamualaikum & greetings to all
Seems like a long time that Idid not post anything for my blog. The reason is I'm too busy with my work. I's like my work is my life (that's what most of my best friends told me haha). As you can see... or read hehe... most of my blogs mumbling about my work... yep it's true... my work is my life. I'm paying too much attention to my work... and that's why I cant fullfil my azam tahun baru... getting married bwahahaha... kalaula ada orang tu baca... mampos dia gelakkan aku.
Nak dijadikan cerita Jemaat ngan Sabtu (arini) ler baru aku bleh amik claimed hour aku... ari senin sampai khamis aku masuk lewat... kekononnya amik claimed hour tapi masalahnya aku nak kena setel jugak kheja aku yang melambak... so macam kheja penuh lapan jam jugak. masuk lambat... balik pun lambat... what a pity. Yang aku tension tu ada la satu minah ni kekononnya on behalf of our resort manager (sapa lagi kalau bukan secretary)... bawak mulut kekononnya aku saja masuk lambat... pastu nak kena inform kat dia sama... hey... buat apa ada Human Capital kalau aku nak kena buat suma tu... cuti aku yang tak berapa hari ni pun dah melambak panggilan telefon aku dapat dari tempat kheja aku. Suma pasal menda tak masuk akal kalau nama sebagai manager tak gheti handle word processing programs such as microsoft word, excel etc. Panggilan telefon camana nak repair bos punya dvd player pun aku dapat...asal ada kena mengena ngan mesin ja... serahkan pada EDP!!! Apa punya attitude.
Bulan ni jugak aku hilang member semerapu aku kat tempat kheja... sowang laki... sowang pompuan. Suma pasal tak puas hati ngan majikan... yang lelaki kena buli ngan bos botaknya... yang pompuan sebab gaji ngan orang tak appreciate. Pun antara masalah yang aku hadapi jugak. Aku bukan nak puji sesapa tapi aku memang respek ngan bos department aku... kawan... kawan... kalau kheja professional... kalau aku buat salah... dia marah aku.. kalau dia buat salah... sekali ngan aku hangin hahahaha... tapi yang aku tengok department lain macam hampeh pun ada... kalau dapat bos baik hati.. anak buah pijak... dpat bos macam pelaq... anak buah makan hati. Yang menjadi bom jangka kat dalam satu organisasi ialah kalau orang tak gheti appreciate. Yang ni terjadi kat aku ari Selasa lepas... ada la mangkaq mana tatau pi masuk adults website sampai jemput segala program dialer, trojan horse, virus... masuk dalam server... habis semua pc yang on dalam network kena effect. Aku dapat panggilan jam 11.30 malam dari night auditor kata system haywire... so aku pun masuk la kheja jam 12.30 pagi. Aku setel suma masalah jam 6.30 pagi... aku dah bagitau bos aku ngan resort manager pasal masalah yang hadapi dan aku dah setel suma masalah tu. Yang hampehnya... manusia yang tak gheti nak appreciate orang neh.. kata aku suka2 hati mak bapak aku tak masuk kheja... adaka patut... itula antara sebab pasepa kekadang aku rasa macam hampeh...
Enough with works. End of this month... my bos is getting married. Which I plan to go to her wedding reception.... and... my cousin also getting married by 8th of April... He was lucky to change his wedding ceremony on the 8th... at first he plans to do it on the 1st of April... Hurm... remember April Fool... hahahaha... Since the day he told me that the wedding is on the 1st... I've plan of something to kena him... but... he changed the date to 8th of April hahahaha....
Ok... I think that's all that I can write for this time... dunno when can I write again but till then...
Created by RIZAL@BUYONG.INC at 2:09 PM 0 said something