Friday, September 26, 2008

What had happened?


I got this story last nite texted by Z to me...

W said to Z

"I da sampai umah.thanks baby.lepas stgh thn i x dpt kasih syg u ari ni i dpt..i x mrh pun kalau u dh tawar ati.i paham i slh n i harap u msh nk cuba dlm hbgn kita. i hargai apa yg u wt ari ni"

L said to J

"Sowi bang J nk msk la. Juz nk bgtau i luv him so much. N xpnh pn kami putus... Xpnh sbt pn pkataan 2. Klu abg luv Z L ucapkn smoga bbahgia"

W said to J

"J.aku dh letih la dgq mcm2.aku dh nekad L aku nk tgl Z pn aku nk tgl.makin aku diam makin mcm2 jd.aku hrp ang x da la nk trh hati kt sapa2 antara 2org ni. kalau ada pn ang kena pilih nk perempuan atau adk kandung ang sendr.kalau ang pilih Z ang akan ilang adk.raya aku x blk"

W said again to Z

"L x ngadu.i da pts dgn dia.n i kenal J.u pn dh twr ati dgn i.i x paham napa i hrs tahu hal u dgn J dr org lain?bg i kurang ajar klu J wt cm ni. dia bwk u kuar x ckp dgn i dulu"

W said some more to Z

"Tp J dh anggap u lain.i x blh terima.u mrh i bg harapan kt L tp skrg J lak taruh harapan kt na?dia ckp dia dh x anggap u adk.dia ckp kt L u ngadu apa i ckp kt u ni la.i wat yg u nk.i x nk siksa u g.i anggap ilang u n L.i akan discuss ngan mak ayh i pas raya ni.jwpn diarang blh tny J y.i dh x sanggp.i surender."

then W starts to talk craps... (to Z)

"Tp i x paham napa J perlu ada hati kat u.kali ni i nekad .i biar i pedih trk sekali ni.stgh thn u i thn sbr n x nk kehilangan u.kali ni timbul cita lain.u ckp i dgn L.paling jauh anta dia blk umah.x da sampai genting.u kalo btl syg kt i u dh cr i ms i minta JUE belakon dulu. nk wt cm na.kalo u ckp i punca i kena bg tamat drama ni"

then another craps again to Z

"I x slhkn sesapa.i dh biasa .i kenal J n x slhkn dia. kalau tepuk sblh tgn x berbunyi.i da pts dgn lia n supaya u x terseksa g i akan usaha supaya kita pts cr i dh x da beza..n napa perlu u ngadu kt J pn i x paham.n tlg pas ni jgn rapat g dgn famili i kalau u nk tgk i dgn jan masih adk beradik"

then start to talk shits (to Z)

"I x puas ati napa mesti J ckp dia syg u lbh dr adk n napa dia nk luah cam 2 kat L pas u ckp kt dia i pujuk nk bebaik dgn u i J x hormat i n i x blh terima ni semua. kalau dia hotmat i dia akan ckp kt i bila nk ajak u kuar walaupun dia tahu u takan ckp kt i..n i takan kawin dgn org yg i tau abg i sendr ada hati kt dia.cb u byg J kawin dengan NADIA tp i ckp i ada hati kt NADIA. dia blh selesa ka?i x paham apa motif korang wt kt i cm ni.i dh pnt bersbr"


hey... why are you talking shits and craps old W... it's your FCUK**G drama that u starts with... and now it's up to whoever that J decide he wanna live with. It's his heart.. not yours.. be rational and dont think like the bloody kanak2 berebut eskrim depan apek eskrem...

and now it's up to Z to decide... to Z.. you have all the rights to decide with whom you wanna live with and believe me that the only thing that J want is for you to be happy regardless with whom you decide to live with...and he will always have u in his heart or to simplify things.. J LOVES YOU (Z) VERRY MUCH.

to L
stop telling wan all the craps... u r just like the fire stone (batu api).. if you think that u can win W hearts by mengadu domba between Z, J and W? well you are totally FCUK**G wrong.

or as the direct malay translation would be
"berhenti la bercerita semua sampah... awak seperti batu api... kalau awak fikir awak boleh adu domba antara Z, J ngan W, PERIGI.. anda memang BERSETUBUH SALAH." (aduih bleh gelak guling ni)

ehhe... and to me.. GTH with all the craps!


2 said something:

Unknown said...

xphm btl la aku bd2 4eko ni.nak kwin wat la btl2.glojoh sngt.prob blm sttl pun msing2 dah sbok nak menyelit.blm apa2 pun smua dah huru-hara nak kwin mam ne cek ooii


itula pasal.. aku pun tak paham.. ekekeke