Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Assalamualaikum yall

Huh... i think it's quite a long time I do not write anything since my last post (the one that i really wrote.. not craps)... well last Friday I did balik kampung to see my emak and all the siblings. My youngest brother Jig was showing me his kogha2 tiruan pet and as usual Man do nothing except playing with computer games... seems like for other parents... they would usually scolded their son / daughter for playing computer games.. but particular to my beloved brother... he actually learning how to be a computer geeks (i'm just a technical freaks.. ahahahahaha)... one thing for sure.. i noticed that he (Man) even know how to crack ps2 dvd code... what he actually do is he usually use the search engine (Google and Yahoo!) to find what he want and start exploring and valla!!!! hehehehe my effort of teaching him how to use search engine totally worth it... hahahahaha... adik aku lagi terel dari aku wa akap ama lu...

My emak... as usual boasting with the ustazah thing and... each and everytime she wanna talk to me regarding this ostazah... i usually tukar the topic to something rather sacarstic or really lawak bodoh... for instance... i change the topic to "bila mak tanam pokok nih?" hahahahahahaha or the worst is.... "mak... macamana nak masak nasik ayam?" and my emak would answer like "aik... kan Jan tau macamana nak masak?" hahahahahahahaha..... bodowh kan aku kan??? gila phobia siot bila dia nak rekemen.. kang dari nak pi tengok menjadi majlis merisik macam teun sudah.. gila ah din dong!

The thing is... is not that i simply wanna derhaka to my emak.. i did have my own choice... i met her since last year... work at the same properties... and um... so not to my emak's taste.. hehehe... tau dah...

Syarat sah nak jadi menantu Cikgu Robiah
- Orang sana (utara)
- kheja sana
- cikgu/ustazah/kheja kerajaan/kerajaan tempatan
- dok sana

haaa mampuih aku nak cari sebab aku kheja sini... aaaaaaaaaaa hawat tak amik!!!!!

gila ah... aku nak pi isap rokok!

3 said something:

AngahLina said...

solat ishtiqarah..dpt jer petunjuk.. Akak dulu pun nyaris2 nak putus lepas solat ishtiqarah tu, dpt lah petunjuk..mimpi ular kejar tu..hehehe. Tp tak tentu gak kan..tetiba ke ular tu ular lain..bkn ular hubby akak.. hahahaha


emph tanak cakap apa2... sentap

AngahLina said...

arini leh ckp lah kan?? x sentap dah kan?? komen aaaaaaaaaa