Assalamualaikum folks...
it's been long time since my last writing... and here goes...
17th october 2008
I need to troubleshoot ARAPD problems and fast... at that time... it was already 8pm.. so what i did was i start my motorbike and brom... away to pd.. after settling the problem... i went back to KL.. by the time i came back it's already 1am
18th october 2008
to my surprise... i was hoping that my chenta hati would be the first one that wish me happy birthday.. apparently not.. it was my akak angkat kak azzu did... i texted my twinkle lovely suriati yusnita yusof, "happy birthday twin... umoq ang dah sama dah ngan aku... sama toa dah.. bila kita ni nak kawen... ehhe"
i went to shah alam.. and on my way... it was raining.. and half way... i realized that i lost my key... so i called my sister... no answer, my bro was in labuan at that time.. so i dont wanna trouble my sister in law... so i called and called my so called chenta hati.. and no answer.. i said to myself maybe she's assleep... but i was shivering at that time... kuatkan semangat.. i went back home hoping that pendek would answer my phone call.. and as usual.. kalau bom meletop pun dia tak sedar sebab dok sedap peluk last i head myself to the masjid and tido kat situ with my wet clothing sampai la suboh... then baru bleh masuk umah...
at home... i start sneezing.. my head feels like mau pecah... around 11 something she called... after i told her what had happened... lastly it was like i was blamming at her... semacam salahkan dia sebab tak jawab tepon? OMG... this is my 1st time people treat me like this... i just wanna share the story that;s all.. i did not blamming anybody... all i want to was to tumpang kejap je sampai subuh... then i cabot... tapi entahlah...
later that afternoon, my friends call me and invite me to Kak Ani's house... a hari raya open house.. what i did not know was they plan to celebrate my birthday.. when i arrive at Kak Ani's house.. surprise... happy birthday abang bu... waaaaahhh... seronotnya... but this one particular question asked by bebudak tu yg bagi rasa down sangat.."akak bagi apa besday abg?" ehhe...then i answered.. ada la tu.. dia sebok.. padahal dalam ati tuhan saja yg tau...
funny... the one that so called i care and love tak dulik je aritu but my newly found friends buat surprise party... wah.. touching man!
19th october 2008
My head's killing me!!!!
22nd october 2008
I was scheduled for and MRI today and after visiting HKL, the doc still cant rectify what's actually my problem... that nite.. i feel my head is really killing me.. and my nose is bleeding.. i went to the hospital with my ride... immediately after i reached the main entrance.. bum! I collapsed... after that i did not know what had happened...
23rd october 2008
i missed her so much.. i called and texted her mentioning i was admitted at the ICU ward... berapa banyak wad sangat yg ada kat setiap spital? i was hoping that she would come but apperantly not... takpelah
25th october 2008
i had my result... "a severe nerve attack that can cause a total blindness should the attack occurs once again..." wah! shock man.. i asked the doc what's the medication that i must take / undergo? none! waaah... then what should i do? the doc said...
"jangan stress, jangan sakit ati, jangan busuk ati, jangan patah ati..."
waaahhhhh... ceni la doc, baik bagi saya laughing gas je.. cam inhaler gas org semput tu... agak2 nak stress... chet.. agak2 nak stress.. chet.. satu hari saya bleh gelak doc! ekekekekekekeke... hilarious man!
i did recieve a phone call from her.. but i cant answer.. how to answer while the doc still examining me? after i reached home.. then i call her.. she was asking me the ward that i admitted for that she wanna comes with her parents.. please... dalam sesebuah spital berapa banyak ward ICU?
i think i love my job but.. the people here.. did know how to appreciate me... tatau la... kebanyakan org jadikan aku sebagai batu loncatan... ada yg jadikan aku sebagai benchmark.. ada yg gunakan aku sepenuh2nya time ada masalah.. tapi haram sapa sekoq pun tak appreciate aku... aku tak penah mintak pun sesemua tu... tapi... ntah la.. org arab cakap... INNAMA A'MALU BINNIAT... niat aku selama ni ikhlas dengan sesapa pun.. tak pernah mintak yg bebukan.. what i need is just a little appreciation.. klu rasa macam nak jadikan aku sepertimana yg tertera di atas.. silakan.. i dont mind and in fact i dont care... i always have Allah besides me.. Allah the Allmighty... Allahu Akbar!
5 said something:
Bro jgn macam nih lah, sedih ok :(..nanti kita outing photoshoot sama-sama :)
photo shooting??? i loike!
Ada orang lagi sedih dari hang Yong......huwaaaaaaa...
memang arrr setiap org ada kesedihan memasing.. tapi time gumbira bleh plak lupa kesedihan tu
Emmm.. sedih lak baca post hang yg ni.. So, jgn tensen, jgn sakit hati n jgn busyuk hati ek?? hehehehee.. tp akak tau hang tu baik hati, camne leh sakit ni!!!!!
ALLAH bg dugaan buat makhluk yg DIA sayang.. :D
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